Happy Thanksgiving

Ah fall. The north is glistening with golds, reds and oranges, and Canada geese are everywhere. The weather is crisp for fall bike rides and October fires. And my personal fave – everything is pumpkin.

Copyright: Photography by Kristie Crate

Copyright: Photography by Kristie Crate

Well actually. Here in Northern Manitoba- we just got dumped on with a million feet of snow. Bye bye picturesque fall scenery. No time to even rake the leaves. Winter is here!

With Thanksgiving and my birthday always being the same weekend, it makes it my favourite time of year to cook for people I love.

I turned 31 this weekend!

Copyright @yogifoodipreneur


As with all my favourite comfort foods, I have a deep passion and excitement for turning comfort meals into meals that are a little healthier that myself and my family can eat. (Because of food sensitivities, our family is gluten, dairy, soy and refined sugar free). That looks like a lot of limitations to the average person, and it is … when following the standard American or western diet. I just support a whole foods diet, and eat as natural as possible.

I LOVE Thanksgiving! So I wanted to host the family supper at my house, and it was extra special because it was my birthday.

Murphy’s Law, at 8:00am, something went wrong. My faucet snapped off!!! HA!! But I took it as a sign that maybe I needed to get myself a little gift. A beautiful new faucet to add to my kitchen reno.

Copyright @yogifoodipreneur

My Thanksgiving menu included the following yummies:


Olives stuffed with garlic cloves, homemade dill pickles, smoked oysters and assorted cheeses and sweet potato crackers

Main Course:

Caeser salad (We have this at every meal!)

Mashed potatoes made with coconut cream

Roast Turkey (of course) and Refined sugar free cranberry sauce

Quinoa & Wild rice stuffing


Dairy free & gluten free pumpkin pie

(My mom and grandma made me TWO birthday cakes as well! One banana, one angel food pinepple.

It was a GREAT Birthday and Thanksgiving weekend.

What are your favourite holiday favourites? What was on your table this Thanksgiving?

I am so grateful for family, friends, an amazing career and good health. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

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